Wednesday, April 20, 2011

9 Questions With a Billionaire

9 questions with a billionaire....

#1 How would you like to be remembered?

Fondly and as a good guy, don't worry about doing what is right and what people think. Make decisions based on your morals and principles and be as ethical and straight forward as you can.

#2 Have you ever given up a dream and if so was it worth it?

Everybody has dreams when they are younger of being a professional golfer or sports athlete. Since being older though, I have never given up a dream to do this job.

#3 What would you consider your keys to success are? 

Find Something you enjoy, you will be successful because you enjoy it. Hold you head up high and do what you do to the best. Fulfilling your dreams to help control your life.

#4 Do you read? if so what are some of the books you read?

Never Stop Reading!!!!!. Unbroken: a world war 2 story about survival, resilience and redemption. by Laura Hillenbrand. The Grand Slam: Bobby Jones, America, and the story of golf by Mark Frost. House of Morgan: An American banking dynasty and the rise of modern finance by Rod Chernow. Anything by William Manchester.

#5 What motivated you to get in the position you are in?

Recognition for the past and to get the name of my father and uncle out there. To also show what they did for this city, so they can be recognized for their achievements.

#6 What 3 bits of wisdom would you like to pass on?

Work Hard, Stay loyal and don't cheat anybody, and Have Fun!

#7 Suggestions on best ways to open doors from starting at the bottom?

Make Contacts in a friendly way. Try to find out about the person and theirs hobby's, then think about ways you might be able to help them achieve ideas on what they can do. Never ask for handouts.

#8 have you always had support from your family and friends?

Great support from friends and family, Got to have that kind of support or it will not work out.

#9 How do you destress?

By appreciating the beauty around me. Don't take life for granted and the world for granted. When you see a beautiful sunset stop and watch it. See what the world has to offer.

Answer these questions let the world learn.....